Beach Duinbergen
Duinbergenlaan, Knokke-Heist
Beach Path No.:
Family Beach
- Parking Europaplein is nearby; ±200 m.
- First aid post
Dogs on beach
Dogs are prohibited on the beaches of Knokke-Heist during the period 15 maart to 15 October between 09:00 till 21:00.
- Outside of the above mentioned period and time are dogs allowed (both loose and leased) on the beaches of Knokke-Heist.
Further, we also recommend reading the information board, with the local beach rules, which is often placed near every beach (entrance).
Nearest beach for dogs at Knokke-Heist
Leashed dogs are allowed all year from beach Appelzakstraat in the direction Cadzand.
Horses on beach
The entry of horses on the beach is prohibited from 15 March to 15 October, with the exception of the stretch of beach in Zoute, east of the most eastern Gege put watersports club.